Visits by members of the Coleford Twinning Association members and Association Exchanges Franco Brittanques

There have been several visits by individuals, families, groups, clubs and sports teams between Coleford and St Hilaire de Riez since 2016. This shows some of the photographs with some information about the visits. 

Coleford Twinning Association and Association Exchanges Franco Brittaniques Events and Visits

Official launch of twinning partnership

Paul Kay, Mayor of Coleford in 2016, presents the Mayor of St Hilaire de Riez, Laurent Boudelier, with a Coleford Town Council flag

Coleford celebrates its twinning link

The Coleford Town Council erected signs at the entry roads into Coleford to advertise its twinning link with St Hilaire de Riez. Members of the Asso EFB join CTA members on a foggy day. 

St Hilaire de Riez celebrates its link

The St Hilaire de Riez municipality erect road signs to advertise the twinning partnership. 

coleford Community choir visit june 2023

A large number of members of the Coleford Community Choir travelled by coach to St Hilaire de Riez and performed three times to appreciative audiences at the Festival of Music. In the final performance the choir were joined by friends and supporters. The trip also involve a golf team who competed with a St Hilaire de Riez team, narrowly losing. 

Princess royal visit to celebrate twinning link

In May 2023 The Princess Rpyal visited Coleford to offically open two roads that have been named after our twinned town: St.Hilaire Avenue and Sion Place. The event was shared with a group of Asso EFB members who accompanied the deputy mayor of St Hilaire de Riez. 

Past visits


In 2017 the CTA hosted a group of teachers from schools in St Hilaire de Riez. It was hoped that this visit would lead to many schools in the Coleford district establishing twinning partnerships.


The first group visit by CTA members in August 2018 was a great success and many new friendships were made.


CTA group at Noirmoutier during their successful visit to the Vendee.